Thursday, November 19, 2009


Today, I read several different reviews that were assigned for English. The Harry Potter review was okay. It seems like a movie will be easy to write about. You can watch and experience movies over and over, to make sure that you are writing everything right. I may actually blog about a movie. I am not sure yet.
Another review that I read was the one about the restaurant. I liked the example a lot, and it was helpful in case I want to write about a restaurant. You can review different things like: food and tastes, appearance of food, restaurant, and the servers, and if the service was bad or not. The only thing about reviewing service is that it may be different each time because I have gone to a favorite restaurant many different times, and the service has been great, but there have also been the slight few times that it could be terrible. I think it mostly depends on the server and whether or not he or she is busy. A good thing to blog about is the appearance because that is sometimes even more important than the food itself. Many people judge food based on how it looks or just where it came from in the restaurant. If the food looks gross then someone may not like it even if it tastes good because many people "taste with their eyes." I think that the only thing that may be hard about reviewing a restaurant is to not make it a summary, and I feel that I could not make the review very long.
The review for Dawson's Creek was interesting. I had never seen that show before, even though I actually wanted to as a little kid, but I kind of know the gist of it now. The writer wrote about the controversies and the main plot of the show. I feel like it would be hard to review a TV show because there are so many different episodes. Some may be good, and others may not be so good. I probably will not do that one. I do not really watch much TV either. I did like the review though. It was pretty helpful, in case i want to review some TV show.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


So last week, my sorority participated with the FIJI fraternity in homecoming events for the Haunted Homecoming. On Tuesday, we had skit night. We actually won third place, and we kind of threw the skit together in about 5 minutes before the event. I thought it was funny though. On day two of the homecoming events, we had the ghoulish games. I think we got second place in that. They were cool. The haunted house and fear factor eating took place on Thursday. I don't see how some people actually ate some of those nasty foods. A few people did throw up though, and were disqualified. I visited our haunted house and it was pretty creepy. I liked it, even though I was scared a few times... On Fridant from my high school experience.

Haunted Homecoming

So last week, my sorority participated with the FIJI fraternity in homecoming events for the Haunted Homecoming. On Tuesday, we had skit night. We actually won third place, and we kind of threw the skit together in about 5 minutes before the event. I thought it was funny though. On day two of the homecoming events, we had the ghoulish games. I think we got second place in that. They were cool. The haunted house and fear factor eating took place on Thursday. I don't see how some people actually ate some of those nasty foods. A few people did throw up though, and were disqualified. I visited our haunted house and it was pretty creepy. I liked it, even though I was scared a few times... On Friday, we had our pep rally. It was really cool. All of the groups did really good. Most of them were zombie/Halloween themed. ADPi and FIJI won! On Saturday, we had our Homecoming game against TSU. I was glad because we won. Kristen, the girl that we chose as our homecoming attendant got second place, so that was pretty good. Her boyfriend actually won king. Before the game, we had the homecoming parade. We worked very hard on our float the weeks before, so I was excited. The only bad thing was the fact that it rained a little on and off and that it was very cold. The new girls in ADPi rode on the back of the float and cheered the whole way. It was exciting. When we passed the judges, we had to ride back to Hobby Lobby where the parade began. It was the coldest ride ever. We were all on the back of the trailer in the freezing cold going about 40 miles an hour. I thought that it would never end. I actually almost fell off a few times. The overall experience was pretty fun though. After that, we had to hurry back, change into nice clothes, and go to our alumni brunch at a cute cafe. It was cool to meet all of the girls who had been members of our sorority before. The food was pretty tasty too.
The whole experience was really cool, and pretty different from my high school experience.

Our Float!

the band playing at the game

Halloween night with some of my sorority sisters