Monday, September 21, 2009

Culture Crawl. HW

On Saturday morning, I went to the Culture Crawl. I wasn't sure what to expect from it, and to be honest, I was not really looking forward to it because I was really tired from going to a fraternity party the night before. When I got there, there was some pretty good food. I had a cinnamon roll that was pretty tasty. The first place we went was inside the building and we listened to the mini orchestra play. I actually thought that it was pretty great. I don't really listen to classical music, but it was a nice change. The guys song that he created was pretty cool also, even though I didn't totally understand what the recording was saying in the background. It was pretty creative. The next thing that we went to was the Backdoor Playhouse. It was pretty cool to learn about all of the plays and stuff that they do there. Maybe one day I'll even go to one. The one that i think is called "Nera Has No Gender" sounds pretty cool. I might go see that. I had to leave after that though because I had to go back to Mt. Juliet to work for the rest of the day from 1 to close. I wish that I could have stayed longer though. It seemed like it would have been cool. The time that I was there was a good experience though, and I really enjoyed listening to the strings.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Pop Culture Conference..

So today, we were told more about the pop culture conference that we will be hosting. I am kind of excited for it. I signed up for the food and decorations committee. I think that this will be fun because I have never had the experience of hosting anything like this before. Hopefully this whole thing will work out and be really cool. I am looking forward to it.

15 Min Writing 3 - HW

Coldplay is probably my favorite band. They are so good. I got a chance to go see them this past June. It was June 6th. My boyfriend loves them too, and he and his friends were going and they had an extra ticket that i could use. I was so excited about going. The whole thing ended up getting messed up because my mom decided to throw my graduation party that night. I was so mad. It was nice of her to do it, but it felt like she was just using the excuse as another get together for her and her friends. I asked if i could pick the music and stuff for it, and she wouldn't let me because it was her friends that were going to be there and they would not like my music. wtf.. this thing was freakin being thrown for me. It made me kind of mad. The night ened up being okay. OUr friends, the DeVitos, came in town from Atlanta which was really cool because I hadn't seen them in about a year and a half and they used to live in Mount Juliet up the street from me, until they had to move to Atlanta for their dad's job. Overall, though, i was pretty mad about missing the Coldplay concert. They really are amazing, and I listen to them every day. A few of my favorite songs by them are "Yellow," "Strawberry Swing," "the Scientist," and "Shiver." They really are an epic band. HOpefully, I will get to see them soon. I have heard that they are coming back to the United States next year, so I am going to see them no matter what. I think that that would probably be one of the best concerts ever. Another band that i want to see live is Blink-182. They are just over all really good. I've loved them since i was in middle school. I am anxious to hear their latest album, since they have gotten back together. They are going to Atlanta on the 16th of September. My friends and I came really close to buying tickets, but enede up just never getting around to it because we hardly have nough money. I am for sure going to see the Kings of Leon in Nashville in October. I am super excited about that. They are another one of my favorites. They also went to my high school, so i think that that is pretty cool.

15 Min Writing 2 - HW


The first time I ever wen to a rock show, it was to see my favorite band: A Day to Remember. It was so amazing. It was on October 8, 2008. Its kind of sad that I hadn’t really been to one until then, but I couldn’t seem to get any of my friends to go to one with me. My two best friends, Kaitlyn and tori, and I bought our tickets ahead of time online in case they sold out. We were so excited to see them live and in person. October 8th is my little sister, kendall’s birthday. I felt kind of bad for it, but I didn’t really care because she’s never really nice to me. Anyways, it was on a Thursday night. Right after school, we went home and changed and I picked tori and Kaitlyn up. We went to Little Caesar’s on the way and got a pizza to eat in my red trail blazer. We were so excited. We ended up somehow getting parking for free which wat pretty cool. The show was at Rocketown. The bands playing included: Crime in Stereo, International Superheroes of Hardcore, Four Year Strong, A Day to Remember, and New Found Glory. It was so amazing. We got there pretty early and had to wait outside forever to finally get in. When we did get in, we went downstairs and into the huge room that they’d be playing in. It took a whild for it to start, so we bought some a day to remember shirts. They were pretty cool and to this day, mine is one of my favorite shirts. When the show finally started, ISOH and Crime in Stereo played and were okay. Four Year Strong is another one of my favorite bands, so they were really good. The floor felt like a sauna because of all of the hot sweaty teenagers dancing and jumping around. It was kind of gross, but we didn’t care at all. Next was ADTR. They were SO amazing. I love them so much. They played all of my favorite songs and pumped everyone up. I got hit in the face a few times and had a few bruises but I didn’t care at all. It was so amazing. New Found Glory was also pretty good too, but, of course, A Day To remember was my favorite.

15 Min Writing - HW


One time this summer, i was at work wiht my boyfriend. We were going to see the new Harry Potter movie later that night. His brother also works with us and he invited us to go to this party thing going on at this guy Drennon's apartment. We decided to go to that instead and let our parents keep thninking that we were going to the movie. We had it all planned out: after work, i would drive my car across the parking lot and keep it at the movies - just in case. My boyfriend was then going to pick me up from there. We would go to Drennon's house with his brother, Adam and Ree, some girl from work also. Adam was going to be our designated driver. At about 1:15 or so, we would head back to the movies and Adam would take me to my car, and I would be home at about 1:30 which was when i was supposed to be. Well, things don't always work out as planned.. We went over to Drennon's place and there was Crown. We took a few shots of it and my boyfriend Anthony doesn't really drink much, so he didn't really know how much he could handle. He took about 11 shots of it. I took about 4 or 5 and stopped, so that i could sober up to drive home at 1. We were just having fun and hanging out. Ree did not really have much experience with drinking, so she ended up getting sick in the bathroom. Time came for us to get ready and go. Anthony could hardly walk, so Adam and Drennon had to walk him to his car and they told me to take car of Ree until they came back. About 15 minutes or so passed, and i finally heard some noises in the living room. I told REe i'd be right back and walked out of the bathroom. I couldn't believe what i saw. Anthony was back on the couch and everyone was standing up around him looking at him, including this tall man in a striped shirt with a cop halster or whatever it's called around his waist. I immediately realized that he was a cop. He turned around to see me and said, "How old are you?" I said that i was 17. Then he asked if i had been drinking and how much. I freaked out and just said i had about a half a beer. I wasn't sure if the punishment would be the same or not. Adam motioned for me to go back into the bathroom, so i did. I explained to Ree what was going on and I told her to sober up. Adam came back there and told us to go to the bedroom and act like we were asleep the whole time. I took Ree back there and Put her face down, so she wouldn't choke and die or something on her throw up. I started to lay down, but then realized that that was totally pointless because the cop had already seen me. I walked back out into the living room and sat by Anthony. I was really worried for him because he was probably the drunkest he'd ever been and had no idea what was going on. The cop said that he would just leave us here and make sure we didn't leave, but he'd have to ask his staiton about it. Another man came and they asked Anthony a few questions: "COunt backwards from ten:" "I don't know what that is.." Anthony said. I had to help him start of, and he tried again. "10...9...8...4..639..1" The cops then asked, "Who is the president of the United States?" He answered, "George W. Bush." It was SOO frustrating. I didn't k

**I did all of these in exactly 15 minutes, so that's why there is bad grammar and spelling. I also didn't finish these stories all the way..

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Personality Quizzes.. (HW)

And your result is ...

ESFP (Extraversion, Sensing, Feeling, Perception)

You are outgoing, friendly, and accepting. You are an exuberant lover of life, people, and material comforts. You enjoy working with others to make things happen. You bring common sense and a realistic approach to your work, and make work fun. You are flexible and spontaneous, and adapt readily to new people and environments. You learn best by trying a new skill with other people.

Famous people with your same ESFP personality include: Saint Mark the Apostle, Dale Evans, Bob Hope, Goldie Hawn, Arsenio Hall, Mary Lou Retton and Kathy Lee Gifford.

--According to the Myers Briggs Personality Test, I'm an ESFP. I can say that mostly agree with this. I really don't think that I am outgoing. I wish I could say that I am, but I am not. I am pretty quiet and I like to keep to myself usually. I do love life. I always try to live my life to the fullest and have as much fun as possible doing it, so I would probably say that I live for the moment. I really love being around people and experiencing new things. I read that ESFPs tend to hold back judgment and delay important decisions which is something that I definitely do. I also read that when making decisions, ESFPs often lean more towards social implications than to logic. This is somewhat true for me. I do not always think very logically. Overall, I thought that the quiz was pretty interesting, and after reading more about this personality, I agree with it.


The Political Compass

Economic Left/Right: -3.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.10


Thursday, September 3, 2009

1st Week of College..

I have finally finished my first week of college. There seems to be so much going on in my life right now. I will start off with saying that I cannot believe that I am finally in college... it is so weird. It's one of those things that you hear about your whole life, but you never think you'll get to. I am an adult now I guess. It doesn't feel like it at all though. I love how much freedom there is here. I just hope that I can get my priorities straight with having fun and studying. I am a big procrastinator, so it is going to be hard, but I gotta work on it, so that I do well here.

First Assignment English

My history with writing began I guess when I first learned to write... From kindergarten to about second grade or so, I used to write stories about these kids named John and Jessie. (For some reason, that was what I wanted to name my kids when I grew up) Throughout school, I have had to write papers for classes and stuff. I am terrible at writing papers or anything that requires writing. It is hard for me to put stuff into words sometimes. I used to write songs back in high school when I played guitar. Music has always been important to me, so it has inspired me to write. However, writing music seems to be the only thing I am good at that has to do with writing. I am terrible at writing things that are required. Hopefully, this class will be helpful for me and having the ability to write better in the future.